
Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Organisation and other stuff

I have recently been inspired by Sarah over at A Mother's Heart to get my home organised and decluttered. I started last year in a bid to bring organisation into our home but, to be honest, my intentions fell pretty flat. I think my ideas were rather too complicated and 'high-faluting' (sp) as they say. So I have decided to go back to basics. I have printed and laminated a chore chart, which details all the basic jobs to be done in each room of the house, with a tick box and a place to date the task. Hopefully this will help me to cover everything which needs doing, and the dates will help me to

casually rotate the tasks.

Also, I have added a to do list, giving myself reachable goals for each day. One of our major problems is piling up papers, as you see here, so that was top of today's to do list. Hopefully, with small manageable goals for each day, I can really get on top of this chronic disorganisation. You'll see that I've also designed a menu sheet. Only half of it is shown here; the other half is separated into the different food types (eg vegetables, bread, storecupboard items, dairy etc) so that as I am writing my menu I can also write my shopping list, and then when I am done I just cut off the list half and take it with me to the supermarket.

I've also spent some time today making Soule Mama's laundry powder. I usually use soapnuts but have to admit that whites often need a little more. The SM recipe is great and has brought my whites up lovely. I use Dr Bronner's soap, which I purchase from Ebay, and have no shortage of willing volunteers to grate it - lol. Speaking of soapnuts, I boiled some up to use as multipurpose cleaner today. A handful of soapnuts to four cupfuls of water and boil for 20 mins. I actually boiled them twice to see what would happen and must say that the second batch seemed to be fine; I've put that in a handwash dispenser for grubby little hands.

After much anticipation my long awaited diswasher arrived at the weekend and I have been happily avoiding washing up ever since. I do wash my pans by hand but it is sooooooo much less time consuming than previously. Praise the Lord for dishwashers!!

Lastly I just want to post some piccies of my little man on his feet. He is nine months old and walking around the furniture. Oh joy. But such a cutie!!!!

Monday, 7 February 2011

My Weight Loss Plan

I have been inspired by Amanda over at Christian Homemaking to blog about my weight loss programme. I am hugely overweight at this time in my life. I weigh 15 stone and 12 pounds as of last Saturday, and my goal weight is 10 stone. That is a massive 5 stone, 12 pounds to lose. So,... where to start?

I am following the Slimming World food combining plan, using second hand resources bought from Ebay. I can't afford to attend a weekly slimming club so this is the next best thing for me. I find the diet fairly easy to stick to as you can eat quite a lot so I am never hungry.

In addition to my eating plan, I am also doing daily exercise. I am using a combination of Wii Active, Wii Fit and Rosemary Conley dvds to achieve my goal of half an hour daily, excluding Sunday. I don't often feel like getting up in the morning to do it but I force myself and always feel the better for it. After three weeks I can already feel the difference. I have lost 11lbs and feel more toned and much fitter. I am also going to keep a track of my waist measurement as I think this will be a good guide as to how I am doing; my middle is definitely my problem area.
The challenge in all of this is to keep first things first. Why do I want to lose weight? To be fit and healthy and therefore more able to serve my family. And to keep a youthful physique for my hubby. Please pray for me that I can keep my weightloss focused on these motivations. It is too easy for me to use my body to gain attention, or engage in a one-upmanship with other women due to a lack of self esteem. I think the most important thing, through all of it, is to pay as much (probably more) attention to my soul as my body. It is of no use being super fit on the outside when one is inwardly waning away due to lack of exercise of the spiritual muscles. Jesus speaks of such people as like 'whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside bu on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.' Matthew 23:27 God has to be God in my life; no diet or fitness programme can ever take his place. And my sanctification is worth more than shedding a few pounds. So, yes, I am determined to achieve my goals, but they extend much farther than the weighing scales.
I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Philippians 3: 14 NLT

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Husband Appreciation

I am currently partaking in Revive Our Hearts' 30 Husband Appreciation Study. Recently some things have occured in my online community which bring home the startling reality of what an awesome bloke I married. It shouldn't therefore be that hard to appreciate my lovely man, and yet, how often do I take him for granted?! One of the tasks on my Husband Appreciation Study is to publically state my appreciation for him. And what better place to do that than here.

I appreciate my lovely Phil because (in no particular order):
  1. He is easy on the eye (shallow but true - in my eyes anyway)

  2. He is an awesome provider and works sooo hard for his family

  3. He always puts us first; he almost never buys anything for himself but makes sure that we are all okay

  4. He loves me wholeheartedly and without condition

  5. He loves God more

  6. He is our spiritual leader and leads us in Bible time and prayer every evening

  7. He is a great dad

  8. He married a size ten and ended up with a significantly larger lady; but he doesn't care (I do though and am on a weight loss plan - you'll hear more about that in forthcoming posts)

  9. He is really good fun and always makes me laugh

  10. He has amazing integrity

  11. He loves my cooking

  12. He is happy to live in a house filled with floral fabrics and crocheted throws

  13. He likes simple pleasures

  14. He likes animals

  15. He is kind and generous

  16. He compliments me, both to me and to others

  17. He ensures that the children respect me

  18. He would lay down his life for me or any of the children

  19. He is physically tender and caring

  20. He encourages my creativity and homemaking

  21. I could go on.....

No-one is perfect and Phil has his flaws, just like everyone else but I truly believe that he is my soul mate and that God brought us together. Although I value opportunities to let dh know how much I appreciate him, the most important thing that I can do for him as his wife is not to appreciate him but to pray for him. I believe that prayer changes everything. We've not always had such a good relationship as we have now, but through prayer and commitment we have come through. God is a great redeemer and I believe that all things are possible through him. I have a great husband but, more importantly, I have a great saviour. Great husbands might be a bit thin on the ground sometimes, but our Saviour is forever with us. Fully reliable and always available. What a man!!!!

I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Hebrews 13:5