We had a fairly low key Valentines celebration here. We made some decorations. The boys went earlyish to bed. Mummy and Daddy had their favourite Indian takeaway. And then Mummy was sick. I'm not sure whether the curry was dodgy or my heavily pregnant body just didn't like it, but it involved a whole day rushing between bed and bathroom. Not nice. Also fairly wierd since curry has been one of my major cravings in previous pregnancies.
Anyway, we were back on track for Shrove Tuesday when we spent alot of time talking about Jesus' baptism and confessing our sins, before tucking into a terribly sinful treat of vegan pancakes, melted chocolate, syrup, strawberries and fresh cream and ice cream for the non vegan types. Yummy. We have now given up cakes for Lent. So far so good but I have a feeling it could get difficult.
Lovely hearts! And nice looking sticky pancake fun! Hope you manage the no cakes... you know,the Sabbath/Sunday isn't usually counted in Lent, so you could indulge then?! I'm NO good at giving things up... it makes me want them even more! So, I have to do a positive rather than a negative thing... this year, my aim is to get outside at somepoint each day... and when it's wet and cold, I'd rather be inside so it may be a challenge! Ex