Monday, 20 April 2009

If my camera had any charge....

If my camera had any charge, today I would have taken pictures of...

My house: even after a massive cleaning and decluttering weekend, the boys have managed to spread Lego throughout it's entirety again. Sigh.

My lettuces: they are coming along so nicely and I can't resist pulling off a few leaves and having a munch now and again.

My little boy sat chewing straw on the smallholding whilst I was weeding; with his sunhat on he looked like a proper country bumpkin.

The same little boy during and after his mud eating session.

That littlie again, asleep under a blackcurrant bush in the sunshine; not quite a gooseberry bush....

The smallholding; it's looking so good now. Wendy and Emma have worked tremendously hard, and I suppose I've helped a little.

Ds1 and his chum dam building in Wendy's brook.

Ds2 actually picking up a fork and digging.

The chickens because they look so beautiful at this time of year, their glossy feathers sparkling with sunlight.

The wonderful flowering cherry in Wendy's neighbour's garden.

...and lots more I expect. But unfortunately my camera has no charge, so you will just have to imagine.

Jo x


  1. Oh, I'm glad someone else has been eating mud, makes me feel much better!

  2. Thanks Jo,
    you make it sound so idyllic!! You've helped a lot (would underline but don't know how!) not least giving me the motivation to make the best of the holding after a despondant year... see you soon,

  3. This sounds so wonderful - you don't need pictures.

