Sunday, 12 April 2009

Happy Easter!!!!

Matthew 28:6 (New International Version)
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.

The boys got up to a treasure hunt this morning. Daddy had organised it in the wee hours so we were still a little sleepy but they were very excited. A trail of eggs filled with goodies led to their chocolate eggs and Easter gifts. They each had a bag filled with the following:

Chocolate pebbles to remind them of the stone that was rolled away

Chocolate coins to remind us of the price Jesus paid for our sins

An empty egg with 'He is risen' written on a slip of paper inside.

An egg filled with jelly beans and a copy of the jelly bean prayer.

Other gifts included: 2 finger puppets for Ed, a Lego bag made out of Daddy's old jeans for G and a first attempt at a Waldorf style dolly for Will.

We are now going to read an Easter story together, take Jesus out of the Lego tomb and head off to church for early Communion.

God bless you all.



  1. Sounds wonderful.

    Both glorifying to Jesus and fun at the same time.

    Glad you and your boys had a good time.

    Happy Easter.

    God Bless


  2. Jo, if you want sheep fleece to stuff those waldorf dollies............................

    you're going to have to come and see us .... mwahahhahaha.......

  3. Happy Easter Jo, check out my latest FB photo album to see the efforts I made with my sunday school mob, our 4 piece jigsaw cross. it went down really well with the madding crowd, but more importantly the children learnt a lot.

    we have a fantastic idea for assention which involves the cross jigsaw + wires, a Jesus, cables from the roof.... watch for the photos!

  4. Thanks Amber; I hope you are enjoying your trip.
    Jackie; I soooooooo need unspun fleece. I was thinking of buying some from Ebay but maybe I should buy some from you instead.
    Nicky that sounds awesome. I shall look at the pics. We have an ascending Jesus in waiting - a Lego miniman attached to a length of wool swinging from our art line(a bit like a washing line but for the boys' art work). George keeps saying - it's Jesus, he's descending. Oh dear.
    Easter blessings

  5. what a wonderful tradition, Jo!
    How are you finding the book 'Heaven on earth'?

  6. Thanks Lynn. I Googled Easter family devotions and found the info on the Christianity Today website. I am loving Heaven on Earth. Many plastic toys have now found new homes via the NCT sale and I have made some little felt people to play with. Today I bought some muslin to dye and make into play cloths. Think I am going to try to dye it naturally. You'll laugh. When I told ds1 I was going to dye the muslin he said, but Mum you're not really going to kill a Muslim are you. LOL!!!!!! Not good for inter-faith relations methinks.

  7. Jo, just replied to you about the root children/gnomes!
