Wednesday, 18 March 2009


Feeling a bit downhearted at the moment. Can't put my finger on anything specific; I think it's just tiredness and hormones. One thing that did upset me, however, was that someone pointed me towards some comments regarding Deborah Drapper on the Richard Dawkins blog and they were heinous about Deborah, her family and Christianity in general. Call me naive but I really didn't realise just how much we were hated in some sections of society. I know Jesus said to expect it but I still found it shocking.

The last few days have been lovely here. We have been in the garden mostly; we even had a picnic out there today. Wills loved sitting on the picnic blanket with his toys and playing; he was so content. I am getting a lot of washing dry too, that is when the big boys aren't squirting it with their water pistols. Ds1 made us a treasure hunt today. The treasure was some green buns left over from St Patrick's day yesterday. Speaking of which, St Paddy's day marked 15 years since me and dh got together, under a table in a jazz cafe in Innsbruck (we were wild back then).

Tomorrow we meet with Graham Badman at our local HE group; deep joy!!!

Jo x


  1. How did it go with Graham Badman? You're very brave!

    Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate right now. And it's certainly not nice to be hated, I must admit I've been taking the 'bury my head in the sand' attitude (apart from the standard replies to 2 consultations - home ed and child poverty) so haven't read Richard Dawkin's comments about Deborah ... it's a real shame though, I've read her blog and she's great.

    God is in charge at the end of the day. And at the beginining and in the middle of it and during the night too come to that.

    Hazel xx

  2. He was quite nice but he said that things will definitely have to change regarding the sight of the child. We are known so it doesn't bother me but I wish they'd divorce it from the education stuff as we are pretty unstructured and that works fine for us - don't want the govt. sticking their noses in.
    Jo xx

  3. Oh I know .... irony is the more I panic about the way we probably appear to other people, the worse my children's education gets because I feel so stressed!! I end up stomping about ina panic and thats just offputting to everyone. Eg 'RaRaRa GRRR where have you put that nice thing you did last week I wanted to show it when they come to visit us in December' hardly inspires them to continue producing things!

    The education thing is so separate, I really don't know why they can't see that :-(

    Hazel xx
